Chapel Ridge
ValidatedReal Estate and PropertyContact Information
Address 101 Legacy Terrace, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States 27516
Phone(252) 424-6352
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Enjoy More Freedom By Getting The Right Apartment Near UNC Campus
Student housing offers the same type of freedom that is available with renting a home or apartment that is available to the public. However, you have the benefit of being near campus and not missing out on any of the action. With University of North Carolina apartments, you sign a legal contract. You live just like an adult. You also have access to a wide variety of amenities that will make your life more convenient and comfortable. You can use the fitness center whenever you want. There are also study lounges, a clubhouse, and a business center that are available for use. Contact Chapel Ridge for more info.
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Chapel Ridge
ValidatedReal Estate and PropertyContact Information
Address 101 Legacy Terrace, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States 27516
Phone(252) 424-6352